
Panel sobre Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza en Fi Gathering Zurich

Nature-based solutions (NBS): a key growth market for overcoming global challenges

· The NBS market is still in development despite increased investing and the fact that over half the world's GDP depends on nature and its potential, according to the European Investment Bank (EIB).

· NBS play an essential part in tackling global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and food security through ecosystem management, protection, and restoration.

· Through its innovative programs, Social Nest Foundation, the global platform for investors and entrepreneurs with social and environmental impact initiatives, calls attention to the main challenges faced by this type of business.

The recently developed concept of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) encompass any and all actions that rely on ecosystems and the services they provide to address the …

Catalytic Capital

Catalytic Capital: a key strategy to address social and environmental challenges

· Catalytic Capital emerges as a key strategy to address social and economic challenges across various markets by mobilizing investments towards innovative and transformative solutions.

· In underserved or crisis-ridden markets, such as affordable housing, this form of impact-focused investment can be pivotal.

· To delve deeper into Catalytic Capital, Social Nest Foundation is co-organizing the Fi Gathering Zurich in Switzerland on April 22nd, featuring participation from leading global experts.

Madrid, April 4th, 2024. In a world where social and environmental impact is as relevant as financial returns, the concept of Catalytic Capital emerges as …

inversión de impacto 4yfn

Impact investing, featured at 4YFN by Social Nest Foundation

· In order to both raise public awareness of the importance of impact investing and to present its main actors, the global platform for investors and entrepreneurs with social and environmental impact initiatives will be taking part in the 4YFN event for startups to be held as part of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

· Social Nest Foundation is also co-organizing, along with EAE Barcelona, 4YFN and the GSMA Innovation Fund, the Impact Awards, where five impact startups will get the opportunity to showcase their projects.

Madrid, February 5th, 2024. The widespread idea that it is incompatible for a startup to grow its business while simultaneously generating a positive impact on …

Agi Veres. Fi Forum 2023

The power of impact investing: Takeaways from Fi Forum 2023

By Monica Vasquez, Head of Strategy and Impact at Social Nest Foundation

During the Fi Forum 2023, the Director of the UNDP Representative Office, Agi Veres, pointed out that investing that addresses sustainable development goals is happening …

Informe Innovación Financiera

How can regional governments spur an increase in impact investing?

· The study, conducted by Social Nest Foundation in collaboration with the autonomous community of Valencia, presents an action plan that might help the public administration strategically deploy financing and steer private capital toward funding impact enterprises.

· The report shows two major challenges facing impact businesses: first, gaining momentum in the investment continuum and closing funding gaps, and second, consolidating the impact entrepreneurial ecosystem.

· Some of the main recommendations as to how the public sector might contribute to boosting the impact ecosystem: design blended finance strategies, promote impact incentives and develop sector clusters.

Valencia, May 16, 2023. Social Nest Foundation, the global platform for social and environmental impact investors and entrepreneurs, has presented its results for the report …